Corporate Advisory, Retainership & Compliances

Corporate Advisory, Retainership & Compliances

SGA’s Advisory services encompass a wide range of corporate and legal matters, providing strategic tailor-made guidance to the challenges faced by clients. SGA helps its clients navigate complex issues thereby enabling them to make informed decisions. The summary of SGA services includes but not limited to –

Change in name of companies, alteration in share capital, change in situation of registered office, object clause of the Memorandum of Association and amendment in Articles Association of the Company.

Allotment of shares, consolidation / sub-division of shares, transfer and transmission of shares, conversion of shares into stocks or warrants, issue of share certificates, dematerialization of shares, forfeiture and re-issue of shares, etc.

Compliance with respect to the statutory process of changes in directorship including appointment, re-appointment, regularization, resignations, fixation and revision of remuneration to directors, managers, company secretary/compliance officer, statutory auditors, cost auditors, secretarial auditors, etc.

Process relating to conducting board meetings and general meetings including ensuring pre and post-meeting statutory compliances, acting as a scrutinizer for postal ballot process, etc.

Preparation of Annual Report and Annual Accounts including Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account / Income and Expenditure Statement, Auditors’ Report, Directors’ Report, Corporate Governance Report/ Corporate Governance compliance certificate, preparation of Chairman’s statement or speech, etc.;

Executing the process of creation, modification and satisfaction of charges and registration of the same.

Assist in drafting various corporate documents viz. Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, Agreements, Allotment Letter, Contract of appointments, Share certificates, Debentures / bond certificates, proxies, dividend / interest / redemption warrants, share transfer documents, documents related to public offerings and listing, notices, resolutions and minutes of meetings;

Executing process for adjudication / compounding of various offences under the Companies Act 2013.

  • Assist in obtaining Director Identification Number (DIN) / Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)(including PAN encrypted) for directors and professionals
  • Liaison with offices of Registrar of Companies (ROC) / Regional Director (RD) / National Company Law Tribunal(NCLT) / Ministry Of Corporate Affairs (MCA) for obtaining various regulatory approvals
  • Assist in making applications for condonation of delay while submission of statutory returns
  • Provide support for statutory compliance relating to shifting of books of accounts from one place to another place
  • Providing opinions on Corporate Law related queries
  • Assist in executing statutory compliance relating to shifting the registered office of the Company from one state to another or within the jurisdiction of one Registrars of Companies (ROC) to another in the same state
  • Develop a system of ascertaining related party transactions and its monitoring thereof
  • Setting up secretarial system and retainership  for startups and other companies to ensure compliance with all corporate laws

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